

Friday, August 22, 2008

Speed Up Windows Vista

Many people have written or asked me questions about problems that Vista has, especially in terms of the speed. Slow computer system is indeed what computer users find annoying really. However, this is what I found when I was surfing to kill my spare my free time last week: WINDOWS VISTA PERFORMANCE AND TUNING.

This is a final advice Microsoft has to help Vista users understand better some ways to speed up the performance of Windows Vista. This 14-page pdf document, will highlight some important issues like:

* Power Settings on Mobile Computers

* Disable Visual Effects

* Adjust Search Settings

* Windows ReadyBoost

* Sleep Option

* Disable Unwanted Startup Programs

* Disable Background Programs or Services

* Remove Unused Programs

* Disable Unwanted Services

* Improving Performance on User Account Control

* Clean Things up with Disk Cleanup

* Schedule Disk Cleanup

* Defragment Your Disk

* Windows Vista Experience Index

* Performance with Task Manager

* etc..

To download this pdf, here is the link.

Windows Vista Performnce and Tuning


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